Pre-trained model data about objects is being loaded on your device.
The time required is 10 seconds to 1 minute depending on the your device performance.

Recommended Mobile Version : Galaxy S7 or higher, iPhone 6S or higher
Bicycle / Car / Motorcycle / Airplane / Bus / Train / Truck / Boat / Traffic Light / Fire Hydrant / Stop Sign / Parking Meter
Person / Bird / Cat / Dog / Horse / Sheep / Cow / Elephant / Bear / Zebra / Giraffe
Backpack / Handbag / Tie / Suitcase
Frisbee / Skis / Snowboard / Sports Ball / Kite / Baseball Bat / Baseball Glove / Skateboard / Surfboard / Tennis Racket
Bottle / Wine Glass / Cup / Fork / Knife / Spoon / Bowl
Banana / Apple / Sandwich / Orange / Broccoli / Carrot / Hot Dog / Pizza / Donut / Cake
TV / Laptop / Mouse / Remote / Keyboard / Cell Phone / Microwave / Oven / Toaster
Bench / Umbrella / Chair / Couch / Potted Plant / Bed / Dining Table / Toilet / Sink / Refrigerator / Book / Clock / Vase / Scissors / Teddy Bear / Hair Drier / Toothbrush
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- Using your picture
- Using your camera
Uploaded data on this page only use offline and isn’t stored on the server.