8bit Micro controller AVR Training Kit

- Basic 8 bit MCU Training Kit based ATMEL CPU(ATmega128A)
- Mounted several application modules on board
- Supply latest AVRISP mkII download tool
- Various example program sources for experiment
8-bit MCU had been studied in educational field for a long time for basic theme of processor. The AVR
Trainer is one of the most comprehensive training kit because a lot of industrial goods had been used this
MCU. HBE-MCU-Multi Mini(AVR) is cost effected Training Kit mounted essential application on board for
helping to understand MCU programing procedure. Supply latest download tool, AVRISP mkII program
- AVRStudio 4 Full development Environment with Editor, Assembler and Simulator
Atmel’s superb development environment, AVR Studio 4, is included on the CD so you do not have to
download it. It includes full editor, assembler and simulator for all the AVR devices. It is project based so that you can keep all your files together without any hassle. - WinAVR C Compiler that is integrated into AVR Studio
The WinAVR C Compiler supplied is unlimited and full of features.
It can be run from the command line but most users will probably prefer to integrate it into AVR Studio. - Supply application example sources
- Mounted Latest USB AVR-ISP In System Programmer : AVRISP mkII
- Mounted various application modules for helping to understand MPU operation.
– Display : LED, 7-segment(Static/Dynamic), TextLCD
– Switch : Push Button
– Sound : Piezo, Buzzer
– Sensor : Temperature/Humidity, Variable Resistor, CdS
– Communication : UART
– Others : Relay, DC Motor
Block Diagram

Product Specifications

Training Contents
1. Preparing for test & Install AVR Studio
2. Turning on LED
3. Static FND
4. Dynamic FND
5. Inputting several switches(Keypad)
6. Displaying characters on TextLCD
7. Receiving external input of Timer/Counter
8. Interrupt
9. Timer/Count Overflow Interrupt
10. DC motor
11. PWM
12. UART Communication
13. ADC
15. Temperature/Humidity Sensor, Relay